Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wheelchair Propulsion Forces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wheelchair Propulsion Forces - Essay Example Consequently, the Smart Wheel users group identified four parameters generated by use of a smart wheel that would be the most clinically relevant when attempting to improve preserve upper limb function. Smart Wheel is a measurement devices that attaches to a variety of wheelchairs, used in the clinical setting to measure parameters involved in movement of the wheelchair. These four parameters are: velocity, push force, push frequency and stroke length. It is these four parameters that will be analysed as part of this study. Wheelchair velocity can be best described as the speed in metres per second that the wheelchair will travel. â€Å"A velocity of 1.06 m/s represents the average minimum velocity needed to safely cross an intersection† (Hoxie RE 1994, as cited in Cowan 2008). This was chosen as a guide for this study for the purpose of discussion. They found that â€Å"velocity ranged from 0.8 to 1.6 m/s for propulsion on a level surface.† Newsam (1996) also conducted a study looking at the effects of terrain on propulsion. The research found that â€Å"when wheeling over carpet, the velocity of propulsion was reduced to 78% of normal walking velocity.† It also found that individuals with cervical lesions had an even slower velocity, suggesting that users with higher lesions must work near or at their maximum capability for basic community functions. In reference to wheel position and its affect on velocity little research is available. In a study by Walsh (1986) the relationship between seat position and linear velocity in wheelchair sprinting was investigated. Testing was conducted with nine male subjects with various physical disabilities, pushing at maximum speeds on an Ergometer. The results revealed no significant differences between the maximal linear velocities at each of the nine seat positions chosen for investigation. These findings

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